Change Github page togh-pagesbranch |[Settings -> Pages -> Source] Open the site (<username> Templates Config Not all possible data are listed here, you can find more inIConfiginterface. Also use typehint hints from your IDE. ...
javascriptresume-templatetemplateportfoliotemplatespersonal-websiteportfolio-websiteportfolio-sitereadme-templategithubpagesresume-website UpdatedDec 8, 2021 JavaScript Tentando combater as fakenews sobre a Vacina do Covid com informação. githubsciencedocumentationvueforestryguidesgithubpagesvaccineinformativoco...
From setting up your CS course dashboard to running your hackathons to building your portfolios — this collection of templates has got you covered, in the classroom and beyond. Tags Productivity Personal Portfolio Virtual Events Get help at Notion Template Collection support Codedex About Codedex...
From setting up your CS course dashboard to running your hackathons to building your portfolios — this collection of templates has got you covered, in the classroom and beyond. Tags Productivity Personal Portfolio Virtual Events Get help atNotion Template Collection support ...
Step 1 — Selecting a Portfolio Template The first step is to select a portfolio boilerplate that you wish to use. To find a free boilerplate template, you can leverage your Googling skills — Google “Free HTML boilerplate templates” or “Free HTML portfolio templates” and wala!
Like many other Jekyll-based GitHub Pages templates, academicpages makes you separate the website’s content from its form. The content & metadata of your website are in structured markdown files, while various other files constitute the theme, specifying how to transform that content & metadata...
The two standard document types in Jekyll are posts (for blog content) and pages (for static pages). The launch of Jekyll 2.0 broughtcollections, which allow you to define your own document types. For example, you could use a collection to define a photo album, book or portfolio. ...
部署到GitHub Pages:将Hugo生成的静态网站文件部署到GitHub Pages。你可以将public目录下的所有文件推送到GitHub仓库的master分支。 启用自动更新:在GitHub仓库的设置页面中,找到"GitHub Pages"部分,并选择master分支作为源。启用"Enforce HTTPS"选项以启用HTTPS访问。 现在,你的Hugo网站已经部署到GitHub Pages,并且可以通过...
The readFile and readDir functions may be useful in a project but not in a theme, since it is not advisable to use hardcoded PATHs in the form of: {{ .Site.baseURL }}/something either in the theme's templates or in the config of an Example Site. Never leave pages without layouts....