A pulse-pounding sci-fi thriller that delves deep into the human spirit, exploring themes of identity, betrayal, and resilience. The intricate plot and breathtaking depiction of space will captivate you from the first page to the last. Perfect for fans of intense, character-driven narratives and...
It’s an off-or-on grinder (it also has a pulse button up front), so in that one aspect, the Dose Control Pro beats it. The Encore ESP has much better fine tuning of the grind level for espresso, but is also capable of doing a better pour over grind than the Dose Control Pro....
One thing new this year is the use of Kaizala. There is a Kaizala group that discusses parties along with lots of other Microsoft Ignite topics. If you have the stomach for hundreds of messages a day it is probably the best way to keep track of the pulse of what is going on at Ignit...
When I got to reception there was a sign about not being able to take patients until about 10am for some reason, but the magic words of “I … can’t … breathe” had the desired affect and I was seen pretty quickly. They noticed that my pulse-ox was a little low (97%) but if...
a room of my own being fitted with a heart monitor, pulse-ox, oxygen and an IV. Between the travel, headache, nausea and getting tested I had not consumed many fluids. The nurse hung a liter of lactated ringers and I was very grateful, grateful enough to actually doze off for a bit...
Pulse Mi espalda TaskCall Tarea TaskPort Lista de estado de entrada y salida de Team Board Panel de Team Embedded Team Explorer Equipo Forms GPS del equipo Encuesta de equipo: encuestas de comentarios Team Today Teamble TeamBox TeamConnect TeamDirectory Archivos de TeamDrive Teameo Class Space Te...
A nice use of Wordles is that you can quickly pick up the pulse of a website. Higher word counts show up as larger fonts, the way tag clouds do. I wondered what enterprise 2.0 vendors are talking about now. We’re a couple years into the introduction of the term “enterprise 2.0“...
An indepth look and testing of the scale that has set the standard and bar in the world of specialty coffee: the Acaia Pearl 2021 scale.
[toread] Containers vs. Serverless from a DevOps standpoint– Two buzzwords walk into a bar… No? Yeah, let's not go there. If you feel like this, you're in the right place. Both containers and serverless have been the… [toread] Multi-Cloud Is a Trap– It comes up in a lot of...
Me (Captain Takashi, Markus Orozlan the warlion bartender): Takashi’s nighttime hobby of making “loldhros” pictures of the station dhros and posting them anonymously on the Grid. Insisting that the gardh’yi are “space vampires” based on their illustration looking like something from War...