2.slangA shortening of "registration," referring to the vehicle registration plates on the front and back of a car. Its pronunciation rhymes with "edge." Primarily heard in UK.That car almost hit us! Did anyone see the number on the reg?
REG Rural Enterprise Gateway (UK) REG Referring Expression Generation REG Reggio Calabria, Italy - Tito Menniti (Airport Code) REG Rotor Excitation Generator (electricty) REG Golden Redfish REG Reno Evening Gazette REG Radioencephalogram REG Répertoire des Entreprises du Canton de Genève (French:...
Medical jaundice(jônˈdĭs, jänˈ–), abnormal condition in which the body fluids and tissues, particularly the skin and eyes, take on a yellowish color as a result of an excess of bilirubin. During the normal breakdown of old erythrocytes (red blood cells), their hemoglobin is con...
For more information call Adam Woodhouse, Tel: 0191 201 6030 Email: adam.woodhouse@ncjmedia.co.uk * JICREG 1/11/2012 Share your success with the [...] ADVERTISE WITH US AND SELL YOUR CAR QUICKLY AND EFFECTIVELY From as little a s Advertise with us pounds 10 for a lineage and ensure...
The AVAILABLEFREEREG property specifies in kilobytes the total free space available in the registry after calling the AllocateRegistrySpace action.The maximum value of the AVAILABLEFREEREG property is 2000000 kilobytes.This property is set only on Windows 2000....
Meghan Markle's Sister Samantha Goes On Twitter Rant After UK Trip Voters might look for a similar chemical to deter pesky politicians regurgitating promises on their doorstep when they are only interested in feathering their own nests. POLITICIANS ARE JUST WINGING IT A: The first thing to est...
123-Reg.co.uk is the UK's largest domain name registrar, registering over 2 million domains. Their success is built on providing a wide range of products including hosting, emails and SSL certificates with market-leading low prices. How to start raising Sign up Choose a charity and enter yo...
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