assign(p_) if (n%25 == 0 or n == num_steps-1): # 保存求解结果(XDMF/HDF5) xdmffile_u.write(u_, t) xdmffile_p.write(p_, t) print('第',n+1,'/',num_steps,'步,\t u max:', u_.vector()[:].max()) 最后可以在`ParaView`中查看渲染效果 图中,左侧是IPCS算法的求解结果;...
uh = problem.solve() with io.XDMFFile(msh.comm, "BVP.xdmf", "w") as file: file.write_mesh(msh) file.write_function(uh) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cells, types, x = plot.create_vtk_mesh(V) plt.figure(1,dpi=300) exact = x[:,0] - np.sinh ( x[:,0] ) / np.sinh (...
This will generate a file for visualizing the fibers in the Paraview (inside code/results called fiber_<heart_nr>.xdmf). This script will also compare some features computed from the fibers with the results published in the (artificial) paper. If the results differ, then the program will ra...
max()) print(s) if (n%5 == 0 or n == num_steps-1): # 保存求解结果(XDMF/HDF5) xdmffile_u.write(u_, t) xdmffile_p.write(p_, t) print('(保存当前结果)') print(len(s)*"-", "\n") 最后可以在ParaView中查看渲染效果 上侧是x-y刨面, 下侧左边是左入口,下侧右边是右出口。
较一般的连续介质动力学方程组 和 不可压缩牛顿流体本构方程,得到简化版维纳-斯托克斯方程。 对应的变分方程(弱形式) 求解算法一:增量压力修正方案(IPCS) 求解算法二:Chorin的投影方法 经典算例:算例:圆柱绕流 用Gmsh绘制网格 将网格转换成FEniCS能读取的文件格式 ...
This will generate a file for visualizing the fibers in the Paraview (inside code/results called fiber_<heart_nr>.xdmf). This script will also compare some features computed from the fibers with the results published in the (artificial) paper. If the results differ, then the program will ra...