The diagram below shows various ways of attaching to the FDDI ring. There is a device known as an Optical Bypass Switch (OBS) which is a purely passive optical relay, dual attached to the FDDI ring which wraps when the device that it is attached to, fails. One thing that needs to be...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 行业资料--航空/航天 文档标签: 机载FDDI高速数据通信系统 系统标签: fddi机载高速数据通信hfcm系统 收稿日期:Z001-03-09;修订日期:Z001-09-10基金项目: 九五 航空预研资助项目文章网址:文章编号:1000-6893(Z00Z)0Z-01Z0-...