官方商店优惠码:Etsy Coupon Codes 所属分类:电商 所属国家:美国 关于Etsy Etsy是一家美国电子商务公司,专注于手工制作或复古物品和工艺用品。这些物品属于一个广泛的类别,包括珠宝、箱包、服装、家居装饰和家具、玩具、艺术品,以及工艺用品和工具。该网站沿袭了开放性工艺品交易会的传统,为卖家提供个人店面,他们在那...
Coupon codes:sellers can create coupon codes to offer discounts to customers, encouraging repeat purchases. Promoted listings:sellers can pay to have their products featured prominently in search results and category pages to enhance visibility. Social sharing and integration Social media sharing:sellers ...
ANSWER (from Nathalie): Yes, ArtFire has a super flexible Coupon & Gift Certificates system. Steve asks: 2. Can you have tiered pricing for quantity discounts? ANSWER (from Nathalie): Yes, you can set discount codes to kick in only after a certain threshold has been reached (in terms of...
before you placed an order, almost 30% of the time we couldn’t tell you when you could expect to receive it. Origin ZIP codes, which tell us from where in the US an item is shipping have also been an area of focus because they help us to more...
Alternatively, use coupon codes to ask them to subscribe to your newsletter. You can make them work only at a minimum cart value. All of these tricks will help you boost Etsy traffic & sales in 2024 and later. 5. Use Pinterest to Find Keywords Both Etsy and Pinterest cater to a similar...