hamburger (ˈhæmˌbɜːɡə)or hamburg n (Cookery) a flat fried cake of minced beef, often served in a bread roll. Also called:Hamburger steakorbeefburger [C20: shortened fromHamburger steak(that is, steak in the fashion of Hamburg)] ...
GermanHamburgerof Hamburg, Germany First Known Use 1884, in the meaning defined atsense 1a Time Traveler The first known use ofhamburgerwas in 1884 See more words from the same year Articles Related tohamburger Name that Thing: Summery Foods ...
hamburg(noun) Hamburg(proper noun) hamburger(noun) Hamburg/ˈhæmˌbɚg//ˈhɑːmˌbuɚg/proper noun Britannica Dictionary definition of HAMBURG :city in Germany — Hamburger /ˈhæmˌbɚgɚ//ˈhɑːmˌbuɚgɚ/noun...
Hamburger definition: a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground or chopped beef, usually in a roll or bun, variously garnished.. See examples of HAMBURGER used in a sentence.
hamburger Hanse towns Hanseatic League Keegan Labour and Socialist International linguistics long Lübeck out of References in periodicals archive ? HAMBURG, Germany, Aug 31 (KUNA) - The Kuwait Airways (KAC) delegation headed by Kuwait Airways Board Chairman Youssef Al-Jassem left Saturday from the ...
hamburger noun ham·burg·erˈham-ˌbər-gər variantsorhamburg ˈham-ˌbərg 1 a :ground beef b :a patty of ground beef 2 :a sandwich consisting of a patty of hamburger in a split typically round bun Examples ofhamburgerin a Sentence ...
Hamburger, ground beef. The term is applied variously to a patty of ground beef, a sandwich consisting of a patty of ground beef served within a split bread roll, or the ground beef itself, which is used as a base in many sauces, casseroles, and similar
A hamburger is a sandwich consisting of a cooked meat patty on a bun or roll. You can order a hamburger, fries, and a shake at most fast food restaurants.
noun beef that has been ground Etymologies from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition [Short for Hamburger steak, after Hamburg.] from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License From German Hamburger, the adjectival form of Hamburg.Support...
他们雇佣了快餐厨师来制作汉堡。 They employed short-order cooks to make the burgers. Word usage common measure word "汉堡" is often matched with measure word "个". 一个汉堡 one hamburger Chinese words with pinyinhan bao hán bāo含苞be in bud...