The science of badminton: game characteristics, anthropometry, physiology, visual fitness and biomechanics. Sports Med. 2015;45:473-495.Phomsoupha M, Laffaye G (2015) The science of badminton: game characteristics, anthropometry, physiology, visual fitness and biomechanics. Sports Medicine (Auckland,...
减腰围:肉眼可见的代谢性指标,运动和饮食减肚腩效果不一样Loading... 我曾经是个看似很瘦,BMI非常标准,但肚腩却不小的人,我除了看着镜子觉得有点尴尬之外,当时真的不知道这是个健康隐患。 我们也有些人为了健康为了好看努力减肥,节食...
现在,来自密歇根大学(University of Michigan)、杜克大学(Duke University)和新西兰奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)的研究人员发表了一项对170 万名 21-60 岁新西兰人的长期研究。 该国国家卫生系统的综合性质使该研究的作者可以在 1988 年至 2018 年的30 年间跟踪个人,...
it is assumed that it is not on the same order of magnitude as that produced by conventional cars burning fossils fuels, surprisingly, according to a lecture by professors Brenda and Robert Vale of the Sustainable Design Research Centre of the University of Auckland, New Zealand, CO[sub2] emi...
Geography matters: the prevalence of diabetes in the Auckland Region by age, gender and ethnicity To determine whether the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in the greater Auckland Region varies by General Electoral District (GED).Using encrypted Nationa... W Briar,DJ Exeter,Z Jinfeng,... - 《Ne...
When I began planning to move to Auckland to study,my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these36,I got there in July, 2010.37I arrived,I realized the importance... 查看完整题目与答案 进入青春期后,有的同学愿意与异性接近,甚至对异性产生朦胧的...
The article reports on the Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand Disciplinary Tribunal's decision in the case involving Malik Sadrudin Hasha Mitha of Auckland. The member has been convicted of an offense punishable by imprisonment and the conviction reflects on his fitness to practice ...
If it feels good, improve it.Features the services offered by Suna Pilates, a fitness studio in Auckland, New Zealand. Factors behind many health-related problems; Wellness programs offered by the studio to companies; Benefits of wellness services offered by the studio....
现在,来自密歇根大学(University of Michigan)、杜克大学(Duke University)和新西兰奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)的研究人员发表了一项对170 万名 21-60 岁新西兰人的长期研究。 该国国家卫生系统的综合性质使该研究的作者可以在 1988 年至 2018 年的30 年间跟踪...
The article focuses on sports medicine specialist Michael Hewitt, who is using his worldwide travel and fitness as a family affair. Topics discussed include the engagement of Hewitt to several outdoor activities, Hewitt's first marathon in Maui in 2004, his participation in the Auckland Marathon ...