Prior to the series, Mr. Wu, whom Marcy considered to be very strict, found a new job in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and made the announcement to his family they would have to move. However, due to her father not mentioning the move to her until the last minute, Marcy ran away, despite...
Dr Reginald Crawley, Matthew's father, was mentioned twice in Series 1. He died between 1909 and 1912 and was a doctor in Manchester until his death. As he predeceased his cousins James and Patrick Crawley, his son Matthew became heir to the Earldom of Grantham until his own untimely dea...
Andy Debtman is the host of the series "Man Engulfs Food". When he is about to eat the "Pancake Mount Doom" meal, Grace becomes the fourth person to complete eating it in 25 years. He first appeared in the EGS Main Story Comic for 2010-05-12. He is inspired by Adam Richman. ...
All characters in DC Comics (series) including Koriand'r, Rachel Roth, Lois Lane, Barbara Gordon, Batgirl and many more.
He was created by John Romita and Bob Harras, and first appeared in Spider-Man vol. 1 #76 (January 1997). S.H.O.C. is a young man who for some time went by the name of Neal Aiken. His real name is revealed to be Todd Fields. Fields' father, Dr. William Fields, was ...
Father Brown (1902-1960s) created by G.K. Chesterton Innocence of Father Brown (1911) Wisdom of Father Brown (1914) Incredulity of Father Brown (1926) Secret of Father Brown (1927) Scandal of Father Brown (1935) Father Brown Omnibus (1951) ...
? This list contains all the main characters (both heroes and villains) throughout the series. Characters from every season are included, along with the name of each voice actor. You can click each image for a larger picture of the character, and in some cases you can...
What is the significance of tertiary characters in the Dragon Ball series? Tertiary characters in Dragon Ball, while not central, contribute to the narrative. They might be part of different sagas, have familial relationships, be Earth-raised, or possess powers from artifacts like the Dragon Ball...
). She is a woman with short brown hair and black eyes. She wears a pink sweater, a wine-colored skirt, and wine-colored shoes. Naoto and Mio's father This section of the article is a stub. You can help by expanding it. Caught-Up Old Man Japanese: Hitoshi Bifu The Caught-Up ...
When she left work, she must have been exhausted, but she returned home with happiness, thinking of binge-watching Blade Running series again. On her day off, she loved to go to a club called 'Libra Movie Fans' and discuss films in depth. However, when she began the conversation, no...