指南主要提及了以下三种违反相关法律的情形: 未能按照法律时限提交强制性申报,包括简易申报(declaration filing)或正式申报(notice filing)。 违反或未能遵守 CFIUS 的风险缓解措施,即CFIUS制定推行的、用以减轻CFIUS审查过程中认定的国家安全风险的协议、条件、命令等。 提交给CFIUS的申报资料中存在重大误报或遗漏,以及在...
未能按照法律时限提交强制性申报,包括简易申报(declaration filing)或正式申报(notice filing)。 违反或未能遵守 CFIUS 的风险缓解措施,即CFIUS制定推行的、用以减轻CFIUS审查过程中认定的国家安全风险的协议、条件、命令等。 提交给CFIUS的申报资料中存在重大误报或遗漏,以及在CFIUS评估、审查、调查或制定风险缓解措施等阶...
CFIUS的审查流程从其“受理(Acceptance)”企业的自行申报(Discretionary Filing)之时开始,审核一个存在...
指南主要提及了以下三种违反相关法律的情形: 未能按照法律时限提交强制性申报,包括简易申报(declaration filing)或正式申报(notice filing)。 违反或未能遵守 CFIUS 的风险缓解措施,即CFIUS制定推行的、用以减轻CFIUS审查过程中认定的国家安全风险的协议、条件、命令等。 提交给CFIUS的申报资料中存在重大误报或遗漏,以及在...
·Traded securities will be valued at the closing price on the trading day immediately prior to the date of filing; ·other non-cash assets, services and other in-kind consideration will be determined by their “fair market value” on the filing date; ...
问:如果外国主体先获得股权(equity interest),但在CFIUS审查之前不会获得控制权或受管辖的投资相关权利,在评估提交强制申报(mandatory filing)的时间时CFIUS如何确定完成日期(completion date)[2]?答:完成日期是将任何所有者权益(ownership interest)让渡给某人的最早日期[3]。在交易中,如果外国主体先获得所有...
The Right Time To Make A CFIUS FilingStephen Heifetz
按照FIRRMA法案,CFIUS有权规定某项“受监管交易的类型”需要进行强制简化申报(mandatory abbreviated filing),或称之为“声明”(declaration),这是FIRRMA规定的一种新的申报流程,在实施细则出台后将正式施行。其中,FIRRMA明确规定了,当外国政府在某一外国投资者中持有直接或者间接...
This session will delve into why and how transactions are becoming more complex, and how to best determine whether a CFIUS filing is necessary. What are the risks of not filing? Deciphering the risk factors involved with not filing Determining whether a full filing is mandatory Analysing whether...
Preface On April 29, 2020, The U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Investment Security, published an interim rule[1] in the Federal Register, establishing a fee for transaction parties filing a formal written notice of a transaction for review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in...