Synthesis of n -butyllactate is catalyzed by phosphotungstic acid and aluminium phosphotungstate. 以磷钨酸和磷钨酸铝为催化剂,用乳酸和正丁酸合成了乳酸正丁酯. 互联网 This method is applicable in the field ofbutylacetate production. 本方法适用于醋酸丁酯的生产领域. ...
Related to butyl:Butyl acetate,butyl alcohol,butyl acrylate,Isobutyl bu·tyl (byo͞ot′l) adj. Relating to or being a hydrocarbon unit, C4H9, that can occur as a substituent in an organic compound or as an ion or radical. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi...
乙酸叔丁酯,又名醋酸叔丁酯,是一种有机化合物,化学式为C₆HO₂,为无色液体,不溶于水,溶于乙醇、乙醚、乙酸等多数有机溶剂,主要用作消化纤维素等的溶剂和汽油添加剂。理化性质 密度:0.866g/cm³ 熔点:-62℃ 沸点:98℃ 折射率:1.386(20℃)饱和蒸气压:6.3kPa(25℃)临界压力:3.17...
The meaning of BUTYL is any of four isomeric alkyl radicals C4H9— derived from butane.
优势产品Butyl Sepharose 4 FF 优势产品丁基琼脂糖凝胶价格,FF Butyl Sepharose FF 有现货CAS:16874-12-7,L-酪氨酸叔丁酯,L-Tyrosine tert-butyl ester 有现货CAS:157885-28-4,丁基琼脂糖凝胶4B,Butyl Sepharose 4B 1共1页 推荐产品 我要推广 优质信息推广广告 ...
丁基溶纤剂Butyl cellosolve solvent 分子式C6H14O2,无色易燃液体,具有中等程度醚味,低毒,沸点171℃,相对密度(d )0.9015,折射率(n20)1.4198,蒸气压(20℃)0.101kPa,闪点61.1℃,自燃点472℃,溶于20倍的水,溶于大多数有机溶剂及矿物油,与石油烃具有高的稀释比。
英文名称:BUTYL 3-MERCAPTOPROPIONATE CAS编号:16215-21-7 别名:3-氢硫基丙酸丁酯 ; BUTYL-巯基丙酸正丁酯; 3-巯基丙酸丁酯; 3-巯基丙酸正丁酯; 纯度:99% 分子式:C7H14O2S 产地:湖北 品牌:国产 用途:工业大生产 BUTYL-巯基丙酸正丁酯 中文名:BUTYL-巯基丙酸正丁酯 ...
ExxonMobil Product Solutions leads innovation in the rubber industry with the invention of butyl rubber for global synthetic rubber applications.