“I first met Julia in a business climate ripe with new business opportunity, and she not only drove the acquisition of new clients, but also built the team and infrastructure required to service this business. While she’s a smart strategist, a trusted colleague and senior advisor, these are...
Faigle industrieplast GmbH Senova Denmark Rias Roskilde Germany ThyssenKrupp Plastics Italy Apa Group Norway Astrup Poland ThyssenKrupp Materials Poland S.A. Portugal Luzacril Sweden Plastbiten Harry Persson AB Rias A/S Switzerland Faigle Igoplast AG Tunisia Sotuplex United Ki...
Energy Saving and Industrial Cleaning/ Protection Brings an Intelligent and Better Industrial Environment EIAS is an important secession under South China International Industry Fair, it mainly showcases the latest innovations in industrial cleaning, industrial wastes disposal, highly efficient energysaving te...
Building the future together If you want to challenge yourself and take on new responsibilities in anopen-minded and stimulating workplace, then your new career path could be starting with us. With our activities commencing in 1989 in Austria, France and Germany, we have since grown to become ...
shorter transportation: quicker deliveries and lower emissions We will always choose the most ecological and economical means of transportation. With plants all over Europe, chances are that our deliveries do not have to go a long way. This results in faster deliveries, better efficiency and lower...