据英国国防工业军事技术网站8月2日消息,近日,在阿拉比诺训练场举行的庆祝俄罗斯空降部队成立 91 周年的阅兵式上,新型空降反坦克履带装甲车亮相。该车辆是根据BMD-4M 机载履带式 IFV(步兵战车)装有“短号”反坦克导弹。 俄空降兵部队装备“短号”反坦克导弹BMD-4M的新型反坦克履带装甲车 新车基于俄罗斯机载履带式IF...
BMD-4M IFV design and features The BMD-4M armoured infantry fighting vehicle was developed by Volgograd Tractor Plant and the Tula KBP Instrument Design Bureau. It is the modernised variant of the BMD-4 airborne combat vehicle. The upgraded IFV vehicle has a length of 6m, width of 3.15m and...