Bloopers are small, squid-like creatures encountered in bodies of water and a recurring enemy species of the Super Mario franchise. Bloopers first appear in Super Mario Bros. Bloopers are usually depicted as white squids with a black, mask-like...
Blooper Beach is one of the seven boards in Mario Party 9. It is set in a tropical ocean, surrounding a few beaches and islands. The mid-boss fort is home to a giant Cheep Cheep, while the Bowser Gate at the end leads to a fight with Blooper. Most...
InMario Kart Tour, a Blooper Nanny makes a cameo appearance on theBlooper Hanafudaglider. Additionally, in theBooster Course PassforMario Kart 8 Deluxe, Blooper Nannies make a cameo alongside Blooper Babies as a mobile in the background ofSqueaky Clean Sprint. The course returns inMario Kart To...