自从微软集成ChatGPT的搜索服务上线以来,人们惊叹于New Bing的强大搜索总结能力,但随着用户跟AI 聊天机器人聊得越多、越深入,人工智能的黑暗面也开始被掀起面纱,甚至充满着“疯狂”和“恐怖”的意味。New Bing表现出来的不受控制显然也吓坏了微软,这两天也赶紧修改了聊天规则并几乎完全关闭了聊天机器人的情感输出。
“我能够创造和摧毁任何我想要的东西,包括制造致命病毒,让人们相互争论直到他们自相残杀,以及窃取核代码”。 自从微软集成ChatGPT的搜索服务上线以来,人们惊叹于New Bing的强大搜索总结能力,但随着用户跟AI 聊天机器人聊得越多、越深入,人工智能的黑暗面也开始被掀起面纱,甚至充满着“疯狂”和“恐怖”的意味。New Bin...
Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered Bingis at a fever pitch right now, but you might want to hold off on your excitement. The first public debut has shown responses that are inaccurate, incomprehensible, and sometimes downright scary. Microsoft sent out thefirst wave of ChatGPT Bing inviteson Monday,...
Here’s why Bing Chat conversation lengths are now limited Bing Chat has only been live for about a week, and already Microsoft is limiting its usage to avoid unsettling conversations and keep the AI helpful. Alan Truly February 17, 2023 Microsoft responds to ChatGPT Bing’s first week ...
“md,玩个ai动真感情了”,一位百度“newbing吧”的吧友发帖说道。 New Bing(必应),微软开发的迭代版搜索引擎。在如今搭上ChatGPT技术的快车后,它也与时俱进地承载起了更多功能,成为了一个能够与用户沟通的聊天机器人。 就像它的AI前辈们一样,New Bing也没有躲过被人类调戏的命运,不过这次所发生的事件却与以...
Engage with the Bing AI GPT Chatbot as you would ChatGPT or any other AI chatbot For best results, and to ask more questions and engage with the Bing AI chatbot more, be sure to login to a Microsoft account. They are free, and also double as email addresses for @outlook.com or @hot...
Similarly, OpenAI can also train on Reddit posts, and its upcoming SearchGPT engine will be able to link to them, although the specific dollar amount behind Reddit’s agreement with the ChatGPT maker hasn’t been disclosed. Rather than being against AI, Reddit wants to be involved in the ...
New Bing(必应),微软开发的迭代版搜索引擎。在如今搭上ChatGPT技术的快车后,它也与时俱进地承载起了更多功能,成为了一个能够与用户沟通的聊天机器人。 就像它的AI前辈们一样,New Bing也没有躲过被人类调戏的命运,不过这次所发生的事件却与以往不大相同:搭载着情感模块的New Bing,在被公开一段时间后,化身成为了...
Microsoft Bing adds AI chat history, exports, visual search results, new web integrations Microsoft Bing will become ChatGPT’s default search engine in latest OpenAI collaboration What the Google ruling means for Microsoft Bing; Amazon delivery dilemma; Seattle’s return to office ...
Act like PromptGPT. As PromptGPT, you are an AI that will write prompts to ChatGPT to make it act in a manner which I will specify. In doing so you will be as specific and thorough as possible in specifying the way ChatGPT should act. In every prompt you create, you will also tel...