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当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《Big Dog . . . Little Dog 大狗狗 小狗狗 1-5岁儿童反义词启蒙绘本 P.D. Eastman 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 英文原版》。最新《Big Dog . . . Little Dog 大狗狗 小狗狗 1-5岁儿童反义词启蒙绘本 P.D. Eastman 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 英文
The dog showed the new dog what to do. When to eat, when to drink where to go, how to be, when to rest. Big dog, little dog. Days went by-and months, too-and the little dog grew and grew. and grew. Big dog, bigger dog. The dogs lived in the city and every day there was...
绘本《Big Dog . . . Little Dog》,Penguin Random House 绘本内容 内容简介 A condensed, board-book version of the P. D. Eastman canine classic Big Dog . . . Little Dog, staring Fred and Ted—mutts who are opposite in every way, but best friends nevertheless. 作者简介 Philip Dey “Phil...
绘本故事《【中商原版】大狗狗,小狗狗 英文原版 Big Dog, Little Dog 精装 相反概念 反义词 认知识物绘本 翻翻书 3-6岁》- 适合 绘本《【中商原版】大狗狗,小狗狗 英文原版 Big Dog, Little Dog 精装 相反概念 反义词 认知识物绘本 翻翻书 3-6岁》,Walker Books...
big dog 通过一对好朋友Fred和Ted去雪山旅行,在旅行过程中发生了很多有趣的故事。故事通过押韵的语句形式向我们展示了一系列的反义词。 阅读窍门: 1.书中的语句都十分押韵,适合给宝贝先听音频熟悉语音语调。 2,在对绘本故事有一定的了解认知后,可以通过日常物品和孩子一起进行实物比较认知。如:椅子和小板凳( big...
《Big Dog ... Little Dog 》是丛书之一。让我们来仔细阅读: 图片发自简书App 图片发自简书App Fred and Ted were friends. Fred was big. Ted was little. 图片发自简书App Fred always had money. Ted never had money. 图片发自简书App 图片发自简书App ...
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京东JD.COM图书频道为您提供《英文原版 Big Dog Little Dog 大狗小狗苏斯博士儿童纸板书 低幼适龄版 送音频》在线选购,本书作者:,出版社:Random House。买图书,到京东。网购图书,享受最低优惠折扣!