我们用动词 “do” 来谈论个人运动。 I do exercise. I don't do judo. Have you ever done aerobics? (3)GoWe often use go for activities ending in -ING.我们常在动词 “go” 的后面接以 -ing 结尾的运动。 I go running. I don't go swimming. I would never go skydiving....
视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新一分钟英语114 一分钟英语 · 目录 上一篇【BBC】4. Pick up的三种用法下一篇【BBC】6. All the time和every time的区别喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 “闺蜜”英文可别说Best friend!90%的女生都不知道 英语四级六级...
The BBC Sport app offers in-depth results, analysis, live scores, match stats and text commentaries — keeping you up-to-date with all the action when you’re on the go. MY SPORT Create a personalised “My Sport” page to bring together the stories, results and fixtures for the sports ...
BBC的动物纪录片一直都没有输过。 他们的摄影团队, 能克服各种艰险自然状况拍摄, 偷拍技术也登峰造极。 《荒野间谍》中,制作团队与科学家制作了各式各样的间谍摄像机, 什么企鹅、石头、树墩子啊,甚至还有,动物的便便……
BBC Open source code used on public facing services, internal services and educational resources. Verified 953followers United Kingdom https://bbc.co.uk/opensource/ Overview Repositories Projects Packages People More Popular repositoriesLoading wraithwraithPublic ...
Go with the flow. 它的意思是 “随波逐流”。那么,“go with the flow” 怎么用呢? Neil Well, when someone's ideas, thoughts or actions start developing, we can think of them as moving along, and when you 'go with the flow...
There you go 和 here you go 这两个表达大概就属于这种情况。而且,它们在英语中的使用频率非常高,通常当一个人把一样东西交给另一个人的时候,我们会听到这两个短语。不过,除了物品之外,我们还能在哪些场合使用这两个短语呢? 首先告诉大家,这两个短语都是固定表达,所以不用考虑语法。我们需要考虑的是使用的...
Go, Go!Phonics 3 by:兰博奇语言国际 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 BBC英语教学 12224111.8万 简介:BBC英语教学(BBC Learning English)隶属英国广播公司(BBC),自1943年创办以来,持续广泛地为全球观众提供音频、视频、文字等多媒体英语学习和教学内容。
BBC地理科普动画《Go Jetters 探险冲冲冲》来喽!带宝贝环球旅行吧! #十月麻麻小书馆##育儿资源##免费分享# 每集11分钟,带英文字幕,适合4-10岁儿童,高品质兼具娱乐和教育功能,还融合了各地方文化包含音乐、...
9/9/2024 by Izzy Jacobs MemorableTV Jeff Mirza Hugh Bonneville, Michael Socha, Ella Bruccoleri Starring in ‘Go Away!’ Dark Comedy (Exclusive) 6/26/2024 by Etan Vlessing The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Top 5 Titles Coming to Prime Video in October 2023: 'Upload' Season 3, 'Totally...