Betta fish (Betta splendens), also called Siamese fighting fish, are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish in the world due to their beautiful colorations, various fin shapes, and their relative ease of care. If you are looking to get into the hobby of keeping ornamental fish, b...
(2)根据上文First,betta fish need a home —a tank(鱼缸).(首先,暹罗斗鱼需要一个家--一个鱼缸。)和下文Larger tanks are better,because the water needs to be changed less often and provides a healthier environment for the fish.(更大的鱼缸更好,因为换水的频率更低,为鱼提供...
Crowntail Bettas, a variant of theSiamese fighting fish, are a popularfreshwater fish speciesnative to Southeast Asia. Their name comes from the characteristic shape of their caudal fin, which looks like a crown with its reduced webbing and spiky appearance. These labyrinth fish have an extraordi...
Fullagin 5 Feet 3 Feet Smart Auto On Off LCD WRGB Full Spectrum Led Grow Light Led Planted Aquarium Lights For Fish Tank, You can get more details about Fullagin 5 Feet 3 Feet Smart Auto On Off LCD WRGB Full Spectrum Led Grow Light Led Planted Aquarium L
For tanks on the larger side (upwards of 200 gallon), the HOB skimmer from IOAOI will be another good choice. This skimmer is not only more affordable than the Reef Octopus 100, but is smaller in size and can handle upwards of 200 gallons of water, with a flow rate of 2000 liter...
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Weird Molly issue... env. hlth.5/27/2008Hey Crew, Just a little background, I grew up with fish tanks in my room and have always had fish... however mostly hardy cichlids, Kribs an convicts and the like. My mother had a 500 gallon reef tank in my room when I was a kid, she...
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The display of 24 individual male Siamese fighting fish to an unresponsive stimulus conspecific was measured, and the fish were then placed together in pairs. For 11 of the 12 pairs, the outcome of the aggressive interaction which ensued was predicted by the gill cover erection durations obtained...