为了使各条理由之间连贯,我们可使用first,second,third,来连接上下文;还可使用first of all, next, finally;也可使用furthermore, besides等。总之,递进式的连贯方式很多,也很灵活,请看全文: In their haste to get practical preparation for a career, students often overlook the liberal arts college. Yet the...
连贯性原则的合同英语例子连贯性原则的合同英语例子 The coherence principle in contract English refers to the use of consistent and harmonious language throughout a contract to ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity. Here's an example of a sentence that demonstrates the coherence principle: "This agreement...
原文为一句,现改为两句,为的是内容更加充实完整,使其更加连贯。 From Beijing I would cross the north part of the country to Inner Mongolia. In Huhehaote I would explore the grassland, taste milk tea and listen to folk music. 这个层次中的From Beijing…to Mongolia是承上启下,发挥连接作用的短语,...
a总之,这三大原则构成了翻译目的论的基本原则,但是连贯性原则和忠实性原则必须服从于目的原则,这是目的论的首要原则。 In brief, these three big principles constituted the basic principle which the translation goal discusses, but the continuous principle and the faithful principle must obey in the goal ...
Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Concluding statement An example of this pattern is shown below: Breeding butterflies has many advantages for the collector. 1. way of obtaining specimens 2. spares can be released into the wild 3. helps survival because butterflies have been protected from natural predato...
a商务英语翻译中的忠诚,准确及连贯性原则是如何在商务英语翻译中运用的及违背这些原则会带来什么样的后果 In the commercial English translation loyalty, how accurate and does the continuous principle is the utilization and violate these principles in the commercial English translation to be able to bring an...