(K)Ken - He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of life he wants. He hates studying and doesn’t like to be blamed. (T)Tida - He doesn’t want to spend time making friends with Ken and George. He likes to communicate with others by computer. Computer is his ...
6人英语话剧剧本(一) Character descriptions: (G)George - He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Tida. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His girlfriend is Mancy. (K)Ken - He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of...
英语剧本6人版短剧英语短剧剧本(精选10个) Part1: 灰太狼的主题曲,几只小羊跳着欢快的舞蹈入场。 喜羊羊:Oh! My dear friends.It is time to go to school!Let’s go!(校长出场迎接小羊) 校长:Good morning!My children.Wele to school! 小羊们:Good morning,Master! 校长:Hurry,It’s time for class...
最好6人,简短.适合初中的.有中英文.答案 孔雀东南飞 wander severy five miles 焦仲卿johnny(jforshort)刘兰芝lunch(lforshort) 焦母johnny’s mother(jmforshort)刘母lunch’s mother(lmforshort) 太守之子mayor’sson(msforshort)强盗burglars(a&b) prologue (j作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,j被打中,...
5-6人英语话剧剧本.讲一个爸爸的烦人生活,忙的不可开交,来自工作、朋友、家人的压力。 Cast Tim Cao: Father Ann Huang: Mother Iris Cai: Kid Candy Cai: Caller Mike Dong: Neighbor Roly Ye: Grandfather ———– SCENE I Husband and Wife Scene: Tim’s room. Time: midnight. Narrator: Tim ...
英语话剧剧本Good Morning, Tim by Jean Yen顏逸君 5-6人英语话剧剧本.讲一个爸爸的烦人生活,忙的不可开交,来自工作、朋友、家人的压力。Cast Tim Cao: Father Ann Huang: Mother Iris Cai: Kid Candy Cai: Caller Mike Dong: Neighbor Roly Ye: Grandfather ———–SCENE I Husband a...
5-6人英语话剧剧本.讲一个爸爸的烦人生活,忙的不可开交,来自工作、朋友、家人的压力。 Cast Tim Cao: Father Ann Huang: Mother Iris Cai: Kid Candy Cai: Caller Mike Dong: Neighbor Roly Ye: Grandfather ———– SCENE I Husband and Wife Scene: Tim’s room. Time: midnight. Narrator: Tim ...
Tommy:But.wheredidhego?Oh,no!Thisisghostmoney(screaming) 英语剧本6人版短剧3 CollegeLife 一个简单的6人剧本,陈述大学生活的。 byBettyLiao Cast George Mancy Ken Tida Annie Chara 17、cterdescriptions: (G)George-HemajorsinEnvironmentScience.HisroommatesareKenandTida.Theyhaveabadrelationship.Hethinks...
6人英语话剧剧本:The_Dream_of_LotteryThe Dream of Lottery《彩票梦》 Father:Ian Mother:Ellen Younger brother:Victor Older brother:David Friend:Jeff Clerk:Weber Narrator(说故事者):Weber ———– Summary(摘要) This is a story about lottery. One day, Ian and Ellen are watching TV in the living...
6 人英语话剧剧本。一天出租车司机 Tommy 遇到了很多奇怪的事情。烦人的女孩、孕妇、 抢匪、不管事的警察,甚至还遇到了鬼。。英语短话剧剧本 。 A Taxi Driver 一天出租车司机 Tommy 遇到了很多奇怪的事情。烦人的女孩、孕妇、抢匪、不管事的警察, 甚至还遇到了鬼。。。 Cast Erin Chang: Robber Debby Tsai: ...