商务英语对话听力材料1 A: Hi Kate. It's nice to meet you. I'm Allen , Director of Marketing. A:您好凯特,很高兴见到您。我是营销总监艾伦。 B: It's a pleasure to meet you, Allen. Here's my card. B:很高兴见到您,艾伦。这是我的名片。 A: Thank you. And here's mine. A:谢谢您,...
坚持训练,听力口语突飞猛进 (美国9月通货膨胀高于预期) 4605 -- 3:33 App 老外如此清晰流畅的发音,坚持训练,听力口语突飞猛进 (跟着伊万卡学会计英语和商务英语:税收和就业相关的英语表达) #英语听力 #英语口语 #伊万卡 #商务英语 465 1 3:43 App 财经英语听力训练:美联储连续第二次加息75bp(第一遍中英文...
体验商务英语3课本听力材料 Audio scripts 1 Globalisation 1.1 (I = Interviewer, SH = Stephen Haseler) I Could you tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation? SH The great advantage of globalisation in my view is that it increases competition. Companies and firms have to be c...
剑桥BEC商务英语听力材料 1 The thing is ,When you buy a car,you're spending a lot of money so you want to get excited about what you're buying.Reliability and after-sales service are all very important,but they're not exactly exciting ,are they? I want my car to say something about...
Brands Recording 1.1_体验商务英语综合教程3_教育培训_喜马拉雅FMwww.ximalaya.com/jiaoyupeixun/41256346/331387354 Do you buy brands? 你买品牌吗? Yes, I do. I am basically pro brands. 是的,我经常买,我基本上都买专业品牌。 If you buy a branded product. It’s a guarantee that the quality ...
我们一起来看下面的打电话商务英语听力材料。 打电话商务英语听力材料一 A:Hello,thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking,How may I help you? B:Hello.I would like to speak to your director of human resources,Ms.Jenkins,Please. A:Just a moment.I'll check to see if ...
泛听材料可以选择任意材料,涉及范围和类型越⼴越好,泛听主要是熟悉英⾳的过程。当然泛听材料还可以选择英剧,这是英国普通⼈说英语的⽅式,没有BBC那么Received pronounciation(Queen's English),可能带有英国的⽅⾔⾳,但是更接近真实的英⾳环境。 选商务英语听⼒材料的⽅法 精听材料建议选择...
下面小编就为大家总结了2013年BEC商务英语听力辅导材料。希望帮助同学们取得好成绩。 OK. We will do.好,我们照办。 I don't like to have to bring this up, but we found that-我也不想给你说这些,但我们发觉- I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we found that-很抱歉通知您,我们发觉- I ...
高级商务英语考试的难度很大,但是含金量很高,顺利拿到证书以后可以帮助大家升职考研。那么对于听力不好的人来说,如何备考听力呢,今天我们为大家整理了高级商务英语听力材料,供大家参阅。 高级商务英语听力篇1 Inquiry 询盘 Brief Introduction 在对外贸易中,交易的一方欲出售或购买某种商品,向另一方询问买卖该商品的各项交易...
真题答案听力商务英语高级听力真题答案试题及真题听力英语英语高级真题 系统标签: 听力剑桥商务答案材料pandon BECHigherAnswersReading1C2B3D4B5A6E7C8A9D10B11G12F13C14A15B16A17D18B19C20C21C22D23C24A25D26B27A28B29B30B31what32deal33to34everyone35such36as37ought38and39your40upon41while42with43correct44one...