嘟嘟 嘟嘟 干嘛干嘛呀 咖喱 咖喱 轻轻一加 咖喱 咖喱辣 咖喱 咖喱 香蕉木瓜 榴莲臭臭配香茶 咖喱 咖喱 摩托皮卡 咖喱 咖喱呀 答案:Coco 椰子 Pineapple菠萝 Mango芒果 喜欢的话,带上宝宝学习这首歌吧~ 下面附上,其他常见水果英文: Waterm...
做SPA 放烟花 蒸桑拿 Coco Pineapple Mango(椰子,菠萝,芒果)沙巴 芭堤雅 阳光热辣辣 香瓜 啤酒花 风景美如画 夜市下 海鲜架 泳池趴 嘟嘟 嘟嘟 干嘛干嘛呀 咖喱 咖喱 轻轻一加 咖喱 咖喱辣 咖喱 咖喱 香蕉木瓜 榴莲臭臭配香茶 咖喱 咖喱 摩托皮卡 咖喱 咖喱呀 咖喱 咖喱 夜市酒吧 热情奔放火辣辣 ...
演唱:The Black Eyed Peas Gotta get that Gotta get that Gotta get that Gotta get that that that, that that Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)Boom boom boom (Yeah)Boom boom boom (Ye...